Everything You Need to Know is Available!
There are many resources out there to help you get the most out of your life.
Let's face it, everything you need to know is out there on the internet or published in a book that you can get at your local library, find online for free or purchase at Amazon. Want to know how to do something? There's probably a youtube video on it.
Think of something you want to achieve. Something commonplace, like losing weight, stopping smoking, exercising more, having less stress, having more balance, and saving money.
Do you really not know what you need to do?
C'mon. Every talk show has experts on these topics telling you what you could do!
So why don't people have perfect lives, still smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and eat Cheetos while they destract themselves with TV?
Some people may wonder why I might all these tools and resources available. I am happy to share all I can. You see, there is no secret formula. The difference that seperates the people who are great from the people who are mediocre is not some secret formula. It is action.
- Great people know what to do and do it
- Mediocre people know what to do and think about it... ...for their 90 % of their life... and then they regret about it for the last 10% of their life.
You don't need an expert telling you how to do your business.
You need someone to help you take what you already know and turn it into action!
That's what coaching does.
And true coaching is more than accountability. There are lots of accountability services and strategies out there. Apps like PACT to Stikk use money to motivate or punish you. Services like Beeminder promise "rewards with a sting."
If coaching is not about accountability, what is it about?
Coaching is really about helping you focus on the future, build motivation to get there and sustain motivation to get there. A good coach will help you take the actions you think are impossible to take and turn those actions into manageable steps that you can start on right now!
Coaching will help you create a meaningful, purpose-filled life.
Why are you here?
No, I don't mean on this website or this webpage even. Why are you here on this earth? Is it to make money, drink booze, eat at the Olive Garden, go on a few vacations, maybe have kids, and then die?
"Worked hard and watched a lot of TV"
Is that what you want on your gravestone?
Great people know the answer. It is crystal clear for them and they let nothing get in the way. Coaching will help you figure out this important question and make sure that everything in your life aligns with that.
Get a free coachings session
Call me today at 617-475-0081 and let's do a free, real-deal coaching session (not a sales pitch) so you can see for yourself how coaching can help you.